While I enjoy playing WoW I kind of feel the need to explore new worlds. It's not that I'm completely bored with WoW it's just I want to play a game with new concepts. I'm not sure why I have this driving need considering the stacks of video games that are begging to be played.
I saw this game that caught my attention called Tera. The graphics look great, the races look awesome and it's more of an action style combat system that I like. Then I hear about the Que to kill simple quest monsters and the desire to play is gone.
So then I go how about Guild Wars 2. It looks good, it's a free mmo after you buy the initial game and for the most part you don't hear a lot of people screaming they want to smash things because of bad game design for the first version.
Then there is Linage 4. I was put off by the grind of the first game but this one looks so much like Diablo but with better graphics.
The monster that isD3 is also coming out sometime this year. Regardless of what I pick it seems that they are all going to come out probably around the same time. Which on one had could work out since the weakest games will just die and I can play the one that lives. I'm already getting D3 free because of the annual pass so that will get played. I'm still looking for something outside the Blizzard universe just so i can experience a new look.
ugh and that reminds me, I'll need to upgrade my computer to be able to maximize the graphics for these games.
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